Our newsletter celebrates the work of our scholars and alumni, highlighting the significance of art and creative expression on our campus and beyond. Sharing the work of our artist scholars and alumni – promoting artistic fulfillment, self-awareness, and being open to new ideas and experiences – informs us of ways in which art gives meaning to life and helps us understand our world.
Autumn Issue – Late October
Winter Issue – Late January
Spring Issue – Mid March
Summer Issue – Late May
The autumn and spring issues focus on current scholars’ activity and the winter and summer feature Linehan alums.
Be a Contributor
We want to feature the work and stories of our alumni! To be featured on social media and in our newsletter, please get in touch with Assistant Director Ally Kocerhan at alko1@umbc.edu
Alumni Interviews
Alumni interviews are conducted by our Assistant Director in order to reconnect and explore the journey of each alum before, during, and after their time at UMBC. We find that these stories all have a strong common theme, one of people who are connected by an academic and artistic voyage that started in our program and has transformed into a passionate career. If you are a Linehan alum, click here to schedule an interview.
Find us on these platforms to stay engaged with our program and the Linehan Alumni Network.